After improving UX and redesigning UI, we witnessed a remarkable 12% increase in sales and a significant 35% reduction in customer complaints.
I conducted interview with users who used the scan freezeframe app and stakeholders to find pain points and frustration. The app does not meet their expectation
Based on research and user interviews, I came up with follow insights that align with the company's business goals.
User-friendly interface
Improving user interface helps user ensures smooth navigation, allowing users to accomplish tasks quickly and effortlessly.
Product catalogue
By integrating a product catalog, the app empowers users with detailed product information and direct purchasing capabilities. A diverse product range motivates users to explore and make informed purchases, leading to increased sales.
Live chat and support
Live chat provides instant support, assisting users in real-time. This timely interaction not only improves the user experience but also contributes to sales success by addressing queries promptly and guiding users through the purchasing journey.
Stockist Locator
Adding a stockist locator feature to the app helps customers find nearby stores that sell genuine products. This empowers users to locate our products quickly and effortlessly.
After researching and communicating with the app development team, we identified the technology to simplify the user flow for the scanning process. Scan freezeframe app uses the scryptoTRACE® solution to identify counterfeit products. The scan process will do in automatically and the users don’t need to press any buttons. This aims to reduce the number of steps users need to take to complete the scan.
If the product is identified as counterfeit, the app can detect it 
and prompt you to submit a report. Also app can recognise another brands packaging
The stockist locator in the FreezeFrame scan app enhances user experience by allowing customers to easily find nearby retailers. This convenient feature ensures quick access to genuine products at preferred locations, simplifying the purchasing process and emphasizing the app's commitment to user-friendly authenticity.
Usability testing is a crucial step in ensuring a seamless user experience. By observing real users interact with the app, we gain valuable insights into its functionality, identifying areas for improvement. This iterative testing process allows us to refine the app's design and functionality, ensuring it is intuitive, user-friendly, and meets the needs of our diverse user base."
After redesigning the Scan FreezeFrame app, integrating new features, and enhancing the user experience, we are pleased to report overwhelmingly positive feedback from both customers and stakeholders. The app update has not only garnered increased satisfaction but has also positively impacted FreezeFrame sales. Moving forward, we recommend continued user engagement, regular updates, and staying responsive to user feedback to ensure sustained success.
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